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夏至,毕业至 | 23.5°N上的二十四节气

2022-06-21 15:02 来源:南方网


  Today (June 21) marks the beginning of Summer Solstice.


  Summer Solstice is the 10th solar term of the year. On the Summer Solstice itself, the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 90 degrees and shines directly over the Tropic of Cancer, therefore it has the longest daylight in the whole year in the northern hemisphere.


  Around Summer Solstice is also graduation season. Four years in college can give young people an impression that it’s a long time. However, compared with the whole of life, it's just a short period. It's like the day of Summer Solstice, when the daylight is so long that we would make the mistake of thinking there is still time for us to play.


  Nonetheless, the summer will end, graduation means separation, but we have many more summers in our life to come. One day, we will, again, meet and sing our songs together.



  统筹:赵杨 李琳

  监制:谢苗枫 朱景 区小鸣


  出镜:叶泽霓 邝施琦

  摄影:张琪达 李江锐




  英文审校:张莹 Jerry

  Presented by Southcn.com & GDToday

  Planning: Zhang Chunqing

  Coordinating: Zhao Yang, Li Lin

  Supervising: Xie Miaofeng, Zhu Jing, Ou Xiaoming

  Script: Wang Peirong

  Featuring: Ye Zeni, Kuang Shiqi

  Filming: Zhang Qida, Li Jiangrui

  Video editor: Zhang Qida

  Poster: Wu Junli

  English translation: Monica Liu

  English editor: Wing Zhang, Jerry

编辑:陈榕   责任编辑:李润芳
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